EECP Machine For Sale
  • Cómo EECP ® Funciona Jul 15,2016
    A series of three cuffs are wrapped around the calves, thighs and buttocks. Inflation and deflation of these cuffs are electronically synchronized in rhythm with your heartbeat using the EKG or cardiogram signal. During diastole, when your heart is relaxed, your heart and coronary arteries are normally filling with blood. During this relaxation phase the cuffs inflate sequentially from the lower l...
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  • ¿Qué es la EECP ® Jun 29,2016
    EECP is the short name of “Enhanced external counterpulsation”. “Enhanced” refers to the equipment that has evolved over decades or research and development to become the state-of-the-art treatment delivery system now used in EECP treatment centers. “External” means treatment happens outside of your body and doesn’t require surgery. Before we can understand the term “Counterpulsation,” we have to ...
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